Šmarska cesta 3
1291 Škofljica
Within the European project “Cultural Differences Bringing Europe Together” Municipality Škofljica, Slovenia, organised in September 2022 a successful, international conference, where many interesting panels and discussions took place.
The main goal of the CDBET project was to develop a dynamic and diverse discussion by bringing European citizens of different nationalities and languages together and to strengthen citizens understanding of Cultural Differences from the point of view that they unite Europe even more, and not less. The project involved 10 partners from 4 countries, of which only 4 are EU member states. Through the exchange of examples of good practice and experiences, from one country representing innovative solutions to other countries where these practices are still not applied, but would be better to do, for a common good.
Within the Project, in September 2022, international conference was organised where more than 200 participants attended. It was a great success, since it provided a platform for stakeholders to come together and discuss the impact of cultural differences on Europe. The event highlighted the importance of cooperation between different sectors and the need to adapt to changing circumstances. The project therefore set a precedent for future international events, showcasing municipality of Škofljica in Slovenia as a destination for cultural exchange and promoting cooperation between different countries. Overall, the project addressed European values (i.e. European identity), the future of the European Union and real challenges such as living in a pandemic environment. The project brought European citizens of different nationalities and languages closer together, and to strengthen their understanding of Union policy in order to contribute to the development of a dynamic and diverse European identity. The project fostered intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, exchange experiences and examples of good practice and open a debate on the future of Europe, including the challenges of Euroscepticism.
Moreso the framework for raising the awareness of the richness of the cultural and linguistic environment in Europe, contributing to the creation of a common European identity, was created.
The main added value of the project was a Memorandum of cooperation. It offers legal, common ground for any further cooperation between existing partners. The extra added value was knowledge based, since all participants gathered certain culture-oriented knowledge, they were also encouraged towards a common understanding, solution-oriented issues that can make EU stronger. All topics were well aligned with the goals, themes and priorities of the Program