Šmarska cesta 3
1291 Škofljica
Within the European project “EU one home for all” Municipality Škofljica, Slovenia, organised in June 2022 a successful, international conference, where many interesting panels and discussions took place. The topics were mainly about the state of the European Union, its challenges and also about the future of the Union. The three-day conference gave citizens an insight into the professional and social sphere of the EU's challenges and touched the most important topics that significantly affect the everyday life of Europeans. The former mayor of Škofljica, Mr. Ivan Jordan pointed out: "The EU definitely gives us an opportunity, probably a second opportunity for us, nation states, regions and cities, to cooperate. By listening to each other and also by acknowledging that we are together in the big European family, both in good-times and the bad, we actually contribute to the creation of a European identity."
Alongside the conference many statements from various participants were collected, which we are happily sharing with you:
"The atmosphere is wonderful, there were many interesting topics that affect our everyday way of life, but we don't even realize it." - Marko, self-employed, 39 years old.
"I think the European identity still doesn't exist. It's true, the EU is our home, but the European identity is much more complex, it needs more time to develop." - Ana, teacher, 41 years old.
"I heard an ad on Zeleni val radio, so I decided to come and check out what's going on. We're a small town, so hosting such a big event is not something usual. I think it's great that the EU supports these projects. After all, it's this really is our common home." - Janez, policeman, 55 years old.
"There are many problems in the EU, especially now after the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is crucial that we communicate and hear each other" - Andreja, tourist guide, 38 years old.
"I don't know much about the EU, but I've always been curious. That's why I came and listened for an hour to see if I could get better knowledge. We didn't learn much about the EU at school" - Miha, student, 23 years old.
"Today was really interesting. Above all, we do not know what awaits us and what the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will be on the economy. It is realistic to expect that the economy will begin to cool down." France, retired, 62 years old.